Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Talking more and more

Even though Devon still doesn't think she articulates well, Fiona is trying really hard to talk recently. Here are some of her words with translations:

Dada = daddy
Dada = mummy
digiiiiiiii = dog (usually said at earpiercing pitch)
Dada = Dummy (pacifier)
hoool = hole
oooow = owl
dat = bat
poo = poo (good job fiona)
poo = pool
dat = date one of her favourite foods still
aaa = car
dahdah = Buddah

Hopefully we'll have some new words to post soon.


Jane said...

Uh oh, we need some little Blundstones!

owlwolf said...

How CUTE! Fiona slipping into Dad's shoes. We recognized the #500s.