Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The rest of the day...

Eating a cupcake quite seriously

Fiona's new ball

Fiona and Katie (Fiona's "Au Pair") Swinging

Who got her a tambourine and where will they be in the morning?

The birthday has come to an end. Fiona passed out after a cupcake induced frenzy once we got home from the park. She was happy throughout but quite tired by day's end. It was windy but she didn't seem to notice.

We had a picnic in the park, friends, presents, snacks, cupcakes, playing. Fiona lucked out in the present category. But was also quite civil and said her "thank yous" and shared well with everyone. Especially Tish who got a cupcake specially from fiona.

Above are some pics, there will likely be more to come as there were more cameras out than just ours.

1 comment:

Jane said...

Nice to see that she supports the right football team!
Happy Birthday Fiona....

Go Adelaide United... they won 4:2 on the 23rd!!!!