Thursday, July 02, 2009

New Chicks

Here is Luna tolerating the new baby chickens. Fiona is enjoying them and calls the brown one Butterfly and the black one Sunshine. Right now they are living in the porch, when they are a bit bigger they'll get to be outside but for now Luna has to put up with the indignities of having chicks around.


Jane said...

They are lovely... Luna looks embarassed though!
Are they sexed? or could you have rooster issues?


Beryl said...

I want a copy of the Luna picture avec chickens!! What a fab lot of pictures and nice cabin too. Such a difficult life, but I guess someone has to do it love Beryl

Jane said...

Chicks grow very fast... we need updates on them....
Were they sexed? might they be roosters?
This could be a worry.