Sunday, April 01, 2012

Healing Magic

Magic doesn't begin to describe how fast Fiona is recovering from her broken collar bone! She is still careful of her shoulder, and we are giving her some pain meds, but four days after breaking it she is running around acting like she is fine and refuses to wear her sling (which the doctor did say was optional). She has been sleeping in our bed, but during the day when we aren't looking she climbs in and out of her bunk bed one handed for fun, sometimes while carrying some baby animal she is taking care of! And its amazing how well she does everything she needs to on her own, getting dressed, getting in and out of the car without help, etc.

I thought we would be in for weeks of very quiet activities, and now it is clear that the challenge is going to be keeping her calm and minimizing the leaping for at least a week!


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