Friday, February 15, 2008

Naming Names

Just to give y'all an update on Fiona's Vocabulary:
Over the past couple of days she intermittently calls herself "ona" which I think is a step ahead of the Fff Fff that she has used until now.

She is pretty conversational in the one and sometimes 2 syllable words but mostly says the last part of the longer ones. It is so much fun to watch her pick up new words by the minute. She always gets her point across which is a great change from the nonverbal cries she had as a little baby.

She's doing well with her spanish. She says "hola" for and "adios" (hello and goodbye), says 'paso" for que paso (what's up).

1 comment:

Beryl said...

When she is trying a new word, always say, "watch my mouth" and mouth the word, for her. That is unless you like the baby stumbles, over 'new words' but BEWARE ! When a dear old lady said to Jane,"look at the geegee. Jane looked her up and down, and said disdainfully "that's not a geegee, that's a HORSE !! she was less than 2. at the time.