Saturday, April 03, 2010

Too Quiet

So it turns out that too quiet isn't always bad. Fiona had been having quiet time in her room after a busy morning and afternoon visiting with the neighbours, making paper egg decorations for the bunny, reading, singing, being willful etc. It had been a bit quiet for about 30 minutes, so I dared to look at what was happening in the back of the house...Fiona has put herself to bed and is snoring currently. If I could find the camera I would document it to look back on with joy some other day but for now she is covered with her soft blue blanket snoring away, blinds open, bright light int he room, sweet as can be.

on another note: The latest parenting tack we are taking is in pointing out when she is being a "bossyboots." She denies ever being such a thing...hopefully a little disdain for bossing will help with our home life.
Love Louise

1 comment:

John L said...

Snoring runs in the family I think.