Saturday, June 24, 2006

Changing time

The best way to make fiona happy, other than milk, or her dummy (pacifier) is to lay her on her changing table. Here she is grinning about her nappy being changed and getting to get into her pink PJs . Its a simple life tomorrow she'll be nine weeks old. She may go to see another World Cup game in the morning but we'll keep you posted on that.

Another milestone, she talked with her Grandmother Jane onthe phone tonight. Well, actually it was blabbing in the background but it was a start.



Jane said...

Has she got her Kpig sticker up on the ceiling yet? I really meant to do that before I left! But time flies while you're having fun and I ran out of it.... time that is.

Fiona (posts by her mum and dad) said...

No it ended up on her bucket by accident. Devon thought he was putting it in the right place. She still likes her frog on the wall though, it'a almost a religion.